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You need to provide a quick view under the Skope IT Applications page showing only risky shadow IT cloud applications being used.
In this scenario, which two filter combinations would you use to accomplish this task? (Choose two.)
Answer: B,D
To provide a quick view under the Skope IT Applications page showing only risky shadow IT cloud applications being used, you can use two filter combinations: Sanctioned = No and CCL = Medium, Low, Poor. The Sanctioned filter allows you to select whether you want to see only sanctioned or unsanctioned apps in your organization. Sanctioned apps are those that are approved and managed by your IT department, while unsanctioned apps are those that are used without authorization or oversight by your employees. Shadow IT refers to the use of unsanctioned apps that may pose security or compliance risks for your organization. The CCL filter allows you to select the Cloud Confidence Level (CCL) ratings of the apps you want to see. The CCL rating is a measure of how enterprise-ready a cloud app is based on various criteria such as security, auditability, business continuity, etc. The CCL rating ranges from Excellent to Poor, with Excellent being the most secure and compliant and Poor being the least. Risky cloud apps are those that have a low CCL rating, such as Medium, Low, or Poor. By applying these two filters, you can narrow down the list of apps to only those that are unsanctioned and have a low CCL rating, which indicates that they are risky shadow IT cloud applications being used in your organization. Reference: SkopeIT ApplicationsNetskope Cloud Confidence Index
What is the limitation of using a legacy proxy compared to Netskope's solution?
Answer: D
A limitation of using a legacy proxy compared to Netskope's solution is that to enforce policies, traffic needs to traverse back through a customer's on-premises security stack. This creates latency, bandwidth, and scalability issues for remote users and cloud applications. Netskope's solution, on the other hand, leverages a cloud-native architecture that provides high-performance and scalable inspection of traffic from any location and device. References: [Netskope Architecture Overview]
When comparing data in motion with data at rest, which statement is correct?
Answer: B,C
When comparing data in motion with data at rest, the following statements are correct:
* Data in motion requires the Netskope client: To inspect and enforce policies on data as it is being transmitted across the network (data in motion), the Netskope client is required. The client steers the traffic through the Netskope cloud where it is analyzed and policies are applied in real-time.
* Data at rest requires API integration: To scan and enforce policies on data stored in cloud
* applications (data at rest), API integration is required. This allows Netskope to directly interact with cloud services and perform actions such as scanning for malware, applying DLP policies, and ensuring compliance.
* Netskope documentation on data protection strategies, including data in motion and data at rest.
* Best practices for implementing API integrations for data at rest and using the Netskope client for data in motion.
What are two use cases for Netskope's DLP solution? (Choose two.)
Answer: A,D
Netskope's DLP solution is a powerful tool that can help customers protect their sensitive data from unauthorized access, exposure, or loss. One use case for Netskope's DLP solution is to stop unintentional data movement, such as accidental uploads, downloads, or sharing of confidential files or information to or from cloud applications. Another use case for Netskope's DLP solution is to ensure regulatory compliance, such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, or other industry-specific standards that require data protection and privacy measures. Netskope's DLP solution can help customers comply with these regulations by detecting and preventing data breaches, enforcing encryption policies, applying data retention rules, and generating audit reports. Detecting malware in files before they are uploaded to a cloud application or detecting sensitive data in password protected files are not use cases for Netskope's DLP solution, as they are more related to threat protection or file inspection capabilities. References: Netskope Security Cloud Operation & Administration (NSCO&A) - Classroom Course, Module 6: Data Loss Prevention, Lesson 1: DLP Overview.
According to Netskope. what are two preferred methods to report a URL miscategorization? (Choose two.)
Answer: A,C
According to Netskope, two preferred methods to report a URL miscategorization are: use and use the URL Lookup page in the dashboard. The first method allows you to visit in your browser and enter any URL that you want to check or report for miscategorization. You will see the current category assigned by Netskope for that URL and you can submit a request to change it if you think it is incorrect. The second method allows you to use the URL Lookup page in the dashboard of your Netskope platform tenant and enter any URL that you want to check or report for miscategorization. You will see the current category assigned by Netskope for that URL and you can submit a request to change it if you think it is incorrect. Emailing [email protected] or tagging Netskope on Twitter are not preferred methods to report a URL miscategorization, as they are not designed for this purpose and may not be as efficient or effective as using the dedicated tools provided by Netskope. References: [Netskope URL Lookup], Netskope Security Cloud Operation & Administration (NSCO&A) - Classroom Course, Module 8: Skope IT, Lesson 2: Page Events.
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